Flight Attendant Dental Requirements
Can Cavities Become a Flight Attendant??
What Are Cavities?? Cavities, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a condition where there is damage to the tooth structure caused by demineralization and destruction of tooth enamel by acids produced from bacterial plaque. Here are some important points about cavities: Reason: plaque bacteria: Plaque is a sticky layer that forms on…
Messy Crooked Teeth Can Become a Flight Attendant
What are crooked teeth or messy teeth?? Crooked teeth or messy teeth are terms often used to describe teeth that are not arranged neatly or are not in the correct position in the jaw.. The following is a further explanation regarding both: Gigi Gingsul Gigi gingsul biasanya mengacu pada kondisi di mana gigi taring tumbuh tidak…
What are the requirements for being a flight attendant? Must have neat teeth?
What are Straight Teeth? Neat teeth refer to a dental condition where the teeth are in an orderly position, aligned, and fits his jaw. Straight teeth usually have several characteristics, among others: Regular: The teeth are in an orderly arrangement, there are no teeth that are too forward or too backward from their ideal position. There Are No Excess Gaps:…